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Connie Ova

Special Projects Manager

Department: Economic Development

Connie began employment with JSDC as Training and Projects Coordinator and accepted the position of CEO in November of 2003. She stepped down as CEO in March of 2023 to start working part-time as she begins her transition to retirement. She now oversees and advises on the major projects that were started during her time as CEO. 

She has been instrumental in developing partnerships among many community entities. She assisted with coordination of SE ND Manufacturers Roundtable, packaged several business expansions and startups, and developed relationships with several firms considering location in Jamestown. Connie has a BS Degree in Business Administration/Management. She previously worked for the James Valley Vocational Center as Program Coordinator for Adult Farm Business Management. Connie is married and has one son. She enjoys hunting, fishing, boating and gardening.

Economic development Coworkers